Learn to work with the Akashic Records to heal, receive wisdom and guidance, and create within the Universal field of consciousness and energy to make powerful positive changes to your past, present and future lives.

In this three-part audio webinar series, you will:

  • Learn how to reliably and quickly access your Akashic records

  • Meet and learn to work with your Akashic record guide

  • Learn how to work with the Akashic records to heal relationships, money issues, health issues, issues with work, career, mission and more

  • Learn how to identify your soul group of origin and your primary energy center (the energy that must be expressed through you in order for you to feel fulfilled)

  • Learn how to change the energy of your past to create a more positive, powerful present and future

  • Get guidance in any area of your life

  • Heal past traumas and rewrite old beliefs

  • And more!

About Us

We are Jill and Rémi, twin flames, transformational teachers, healers and guides. We have been on the twin flame journey since 2011. 

We are both trained helping professionals, and Rémi is certified as a couple and family therapist and trainer. We started working together worldwide with advanced souls since 2013. This includes old souls, starseeds, indigos, sensitive souls, HSPs, twin flames, and other spiritual relationships. Jill wishes to inform people that she is currently on long-term spiritual retreat.

In this series you receive:

  • 3 Audio Webinars (each as at least 60 minutes)
  • A bonus Healing Call

Testimonials about the Akashic Records series:

  • Thank you for a fantastic experience! I didn’t expect much because I have had so many empty experiences. Wow, now I know why, at long last! -Peggy H.

  • I loved the first class for the Akashic Records yesterday - thank you! Looks like the issue I will be working on is quite massive (original point of separation from my Twin and then losing him in innumerable lives since), but I think I am up to the challenge :-) -Jennifer D.

  • The Akashic Records class was amazing for me. I really loved discovering my personal sacred temple out there!!  I totally enjoyed it. Thank you so much. -Priyanka P.

  • Recently I completed your Akashic Records webinar series, which was just as amazing and transformational as all your other work— thank you! -Joanna J.

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