Almost without exception, advanced souls and twin flames have gone through difficult childhoods, and we all carry various energies we have inherited from our families of origin and ancestry.

What we see every day with our clients is how these unhealed wounds from our childhood and ancestry impact us at very deep levels we may not be aware of.

Many traditional forms of therapy don’t fully help advanced souls and twin flames as they don’t go deeply into the level of the soul, which is where some of these wounds exist.

The good news is, you can heal from your childhood wounds and ancestral templates, and we’re offering you a healing-packed webinar to help you do this.

In this 90-minute webinar, we cover the following topics and do healing for each one:

  • Why we “choose” such difficult childhood and ancestral templates, and how this relates to our mission as advanced souls and twin flames

  • Healing childhood wounds and trauma

  • The four types of bonding wounds, how they impact our twin flame connection and mission, and how to heal them

  • How your to manage the dance of your childhood wounds and bonding issues and your twin flame’s as you go through the union process

  • Healing our ancestral templates

  • Transforming soul level issues, including your inner child at the soul level

  • and much more…

We will be giving real life examples from our own twin flame union and sharing the best of what we know to help you in your journey.


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