In The Soul and Past Lives, we cover:

- Connecting with and becoming your Divine Self more fully

- A journey into your Akashic Records, with your Divine Self and guides, to understand and align more fully with your divine purpose/life plan

- A journey to connect with the Higher Guides from your Soul Group, so you can better understand and receive assistance for your soul’s mission

- Guidance and healing for the twin flame and other soul connection

- Upgrading and healing for your Guide team

- Profound healing for the past lives between you and your twin flame, understanding and forgiving each other

- Profound healing for the past lives between you and your twin flame, soul mate, or other soul relationship, that may be interfering with your twin flame connection – completing old karma, cord cutting, vow and contract releasing, receiving the lessons so you can move on, healing and forgiveness

- Healing your relationship with God/Source/All That Is

Each class is a combination of guidance/teaching and powerful healing, focusing on both the 5D (and beyond) spiritual aspects of twin flame union, with other soul relationship, and the 3D “life” aspects of living as a twin flame and other advanced soul on Earth.

This series is designed to help you no matter the stage and status of your relationship — if you are on the twin flame journey solo, as a separated twin, one who has some physical or online contact, all the way up to full physical union.

The Facilitators: Jill and Rémi

We are Jill and Rémi, twin flames, transformational teachers, healers and guides.

We have been on the twin flame journey since 2011. We are both trained helping professionals, and Rémi is certified as a couple and family therapist and trainer. We started working together worldwide with advanced souls since 2013. This includes old souls, starseeds, indigos, sensitive souls, HSPs, twin flames, and other spiritual relationships. Jill wishes to inform people that she is currently on long-term spiritual retreat.

In this series you receive:

  • 3 Audio Webinars (each class is 1.5 hours) with Jill & Rémi
  • Course manual

Testimonials for The Soul and Past Lives

  • It was a great webinar today. I took several of your webinars before and it was all great, but this series is my favorite! All topics/healing was exactly what I needed. I even felt like it's custom made for me! I really appreciate your beautiful work. -Satsuki D.

  • I would like to thank you for your webinars. I am relatively new to your work and I have found it deeply healing and transformational. My life is improving day by day and I listen to at least one webinar a day, if not two. Sometimes in bed, sometimes out walking doing chores or out in the garden. You both are truly gifted and absolutely lovely to listen to. I love your voice, Jill and I love Remi's soft fatherly sense of humour. Your personalities are healing in themselves. You both were made for this and are for sure totally aligned with your soul’s purpose. -Heather F.

  • The Multidimensional Transformation series - I listened to the webinars several times over, to great effect! This series re. past lives was a great experience. -Ovgu T.

  • This series was amazing. -Avantika D.

  • I LOVE this series. Thank you. I'm coming into my power and it's really quite a different reality. -Niamh M.

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