Broad Clearing: Concerns Relating to Money and Collective Trauma

Do you or anyone you know worry about money? Of course, you do! It’s everywhere! For example, in the US, the richest country in the world, a March 2023 poll found that a third of US adults worry about money. This is a much broader concern in many other parts of the world.

Many of our ancestors struggled a great deal as a result of financial difficulties. That suffering, if we haven’t transmuted it, is still in our DNA and affects many of us today.

And all of us have been very poor and have starved in past lives. If not resolved, this old trauma can impact us today as well, if we haven’t cleared it. 

This collective suffering related to money goes out into the energy field around the world and impacts so many people, like a dark cloud surrounding the world, and blocking out the light. This dark cloud needs to be cleared to help make way for the greater light to come into us – as well as to help create the New Earth.

Focus of this Webinar

In this call, we focus on quantum clearing methods regarding these broad issues.

Our main focus will be on clearing for the collective, including collective consciousness, ancestral trauma, and past lives. 

Our transformational process:

During this group transformational call, we’ll go to higher vibration, into the quantum level as individuals. We’ll then into higher coherence as a group in order to help transmute the dense energy relating to money that’s blocking out some of the light from coming to Earth. We’ll also work with high beings and the Unmanifest to help us with this. All this will greatly help transmute some of the dense energies that block so much of the light around the world. 

Our central focus will be on broad clearing for the world, with little emphasis on participants' personal concerns. However, some research has found that participants of broad clearing groups benefit even more than the recipients when doing distance healing and broad clearing.

The recording of this call is for you if:

  • You are in at least moderately good / solid shape energetically, mentally and emotionally.

The recording of this call is NOT for you if:

  • You feel fairly fragile
  • Your hands are already full

Please pass this information on to people you think might be interested. The more participants, the more power we can develop to clear these broad collective energies.

The Facilitator

This webinar is with Rémi only.

Rémi Thivierge MSW RSW RMFT is a certified couple and family therapist and trainer with 46 years experience.

Jill is in ongoing spiritual retreat and will be with us at the higher energetic level. We have been on the twin flame journey since 2011, and we’ve served thousands of twin flames and other advanced souls in sessions and webinars regarding their ascension, union, and mission.

Access this call when you enroll in Clearing for the World's Pain Body series here.

The reason for this group getting this service at no charge is that they have been developing the qualities and the tools to greatly enhance their abilities for broad clearing work. As a result, they will be far more effective in the clearing work than most other participants.

Testimonials from our previous broad clearing calls